Meet Our Agents

Marci Heighton

Marci Heighton

Marci Heighton, a native of Halifax, Nova Scotia, has traversed a varied path shaped by both urban and rural influences. Growing up amidst the vibrant community where her mother's family resides in Halifax, Marci found herself equally at home in the serene landscapes of River John, where her father's family resides. This duality instilled in her a deep appreciation for both bustling city life and the tranquility of rural settings.

Marci's passion for exploring new horizons extends beyond her upbringing. As an avid traveler, she finds solace and excitement in visiting warm destinations, enriching her understanding of different cultures and landscapes.

Family plays a central role in Marci's life, highlighted by her pride in raising her 17-year-old twins, a son and daughter. At home, their lively household includes a 12-year-old Chihuahua named Ellie Mae, along with two cats, Kitty and Norman Cleatus Peacat the 2nd, each adding their unique charm to the family dynamic.

Educationally, Marci's journey led her from Halifax West High School to the Nova Scotia Community College (NSCC), where she earned a Business Administration diploma with a specialization in accounting. This foundation propelled her into a successful career, beginning with roles at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency and Dalhousie Agriculture, before finding fulfillment in her current position at NSCC, where she has dedicated 7 1/2 years to fostering educational excellence.

Marci's professional purview spans across Central Nova Scotia and beyond, leveraging her expertise to serve communities with diligence and dedication. Her commitment to her work is complemented by her personal life in Truro, where she resides with her husband, who owns a thriving plumbing business.

In essence, Marci Heighton epitomizes a life shaped by diverse experiences and a steadfast dedication to both family and community, embodying the spirit of Nova Scotia wherever her endeavors may lead.